Friday, January 16, 2009

Shaking Sinatra's hand

It seems that people just don’t know how to do things properly anymore. There are exceptions, of course, but it seems that we are rapidly losing interest in style, decorum and panache, all in the name of modernity and fashion. The purpose of this blog, like others in a similar vein, is to contribute to the counter-revolution, taking as its inspiration a man who was so many men – singer, actor, producer, record executive, investor, businessman, gambler, swinger.

Any blog that seeks to invoke the name of Frank Sinatra must surely start with a piece in appreciation of the great man, the Chairman of the Board. Sinatra was a man’s man, from the crown of his trilby to the polished soles of his shoes. He is the perfect role-model and inspiration for what this blog seeks to be, namely a commentary on men’s style, dress, interests and icons, in a way of which this author hopes Frank would have approved.

So please keep coming back to find out which iconic people have inspired and continue to inspire; what clothes (and how they’re worn) make the man; and how to differentiate the mundane from the spectacular, even when it is understated. In a world where celebrities and sports “personalities” seek to lead us astray, this is where the fight for the man on the street begins, to make the ordinary extraordinary again.

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